- The SAP Control Center (SCC) is the admin software of Sybase Unwired Platform (SUP) 2.2 and earlier
- In SAP Mobile Platform (SMP) 2.3, both the technologies of Sybase and Syclo were integrated in an intermediate/initial SAP platform
- In SMP 2.3, the SCC (used as a wrapper) calls out the stand-alone Agentry Server to start independently (i.e. system process can see the AgentryServer.exe running in the background).
- When installing SMP 2.3, the Agentry Server is part of the installed files of the SAP Mobile Platform 2.3 directory structure and it resides in both: ../SMP2.3/Server/Agentry and the ../SMP2.3/UnwiredServer/Respository/Agentry
- In SMP 2.3, the clustering technique used in the SAP Control Center (SCC) between the Agentry instances (ex: Work Manager, Inventory Manager, Sales Manager, Service Manager instances) causes the following problems during synching:
1. When the same user logs in from 2 different devices to the SMP (SCC) clustered setup, the user is allowed to connect successfully versus SMP (SCC) denying access (i.e. User is already logged in elsewhere).
2. When the Agentry client/user connects to the SMP clustered server, the SCC does not see the user connected in the Admin GUI.
SAP Mobile Platform 2.3
SAP Mobile Platform 2.3
KBA , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , MOB-SYC-OTH , Syclo Mobility for other backend , MOB-SYC-IBM , Syclo Mobility for IBM backend , Problem
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