Please note that the component BW-BEX-ET-XC process issues regarding the “SAP Netweaver BW” connection in Dashboard Designer. Any other
issues in Dashboard Designer are handled by BI-RA-XL component.
Here, please find few common issues with SBOP Dashboard Designer while using the "SAP Netweaver BW" connection
- Symptom 1: Error #2032 occurs while trying to import BEx query through SAP Netweaver BW connection in SBOP Dashboard Designer.
- Symptom 2: While executing the dashboard, the following error message occurs:
Cannot Access External Data
while trying to invoke the method
java.lang.String.toUpperCase(java.util.Locale) of a
null object loaded from local variable
- Symptom 3: Following error message occurs while accessing Dashboard:
Cannot Access External Data
The data connection session with BI Web runtime over
the BICS Remote Web Service is expired. Press F5 to
refresh the dashboard.
- Symptom 4: When running the dashboard from BW directly or from iView after publishing it in the Portal there are system messages appear that
are now configured in the BW system. - Symptom 5: SSO is not working fine for SBOP Dashboard Designer for Netweaver 7.0 X (from Netweaver 7.01 EHP1 SPS 05 onwards)
- Symptom 6: In Release 7.01, if the landscape is configured as federated portal network and in this landscape, try to insert a BEx Query via the SAP NW BI Connection, the error message 2032 occurs soon after the BEx query selection dialog.
This is only relevant during SBOP Dashboard Designer design time and not during SBOP Dashboard Designer Dashboard runtime.
- SAP Business Warehouse 7.01 SPS05 onwards
- SAP Business Warehouse 7.02
- SAP Business Warehouse 7.30
- SAP Business Warehouse 7.31
SBOP Dashboard Designer, SAP Netweaver BW connection, Error 2032, Cannot Access External Data, java.lang.String.toUpperCase, java.util.Locale, memberCountLimitNull, BICS Remote Web Service, dashboard , KBA , BW-BEX-ET-XC , Please, use component BI-RA-XL. , Problem
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