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2130188 - Can’t delete packages within SCC in SMP 2.3


The SMP administrator attempts to delete an application package in SCC but fails.  SCC displays the following error:

"An unknown server error has occurred.  Please check log for details".

The server log contained this error for the specific package(named Scape) that the administrator was attempting to delete:

"2015-01-31 19:19:58.214 WARN    MMS          Thread-7402 [com.sybase.djc.scheduler.ScheduledTask:d5_scape.1_0_AgentCacheGroup_RefreshTask] [] [] Initialization Failed
2015-01-31 19:19:58.215 CONSOLE MMS          Thread-7402 [com.sybase.sup.server.Console] [] [] Missing value for required property 'componentMethod' in ScheduledTask:d5_scape.1_0_AgentCacheGroup_RefreshTask."

Looking closer at the file UnwiredServer\Repository\Instance\com\sybase\djc\Scheduler\ScheduledTask\, there was no data in the file and it was a zero byte file.



SMP 2.3.5


SAP Mobile Platform 2.3 ; Sybase Unwired Platform 2.1 ; Sybase Unwired Platform 2.2


ScheduledTask property file. , KBA , MOB-ONP , SAP Mobile Platform on Premise , Problem

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