- When we deploy an agentry application we get the error "GC overhead limit exceeded" error or the "Java heap space (failed to allocate X bytes) error
- The current heap configuration is:
-XX:MaxPermSize=1024M - We have 16Gb of ram in the server and 2 CPUs SMP3 SP5 SQL server 2012
- During the publish we see an increase in heap memory usage (in the jconsole of the java.exe process) until it freezes and the process crashes
- This seems to happen after a couple of deploys
- The deploys go fine for a while then suddenly a bad deploy will happen and the error message appears, it is then not possible to do other deploys, these will end in GC overheap limit or Java Heap space error
- When we restart the server we see the problems for the app with the broken deploy continue, while the other apps seem to work again after the restart
SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 SP04
SAP Mobile Platform 3.0
"SMP 3.0 Agentry Cluster", "primary application service nodes", SMP 3.0, "Java Heap Space", "OutOfMemoryError: Could not allocate" , KBA , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , MOB-SYC-IBM , Syclo Mobility for IBM backend , MOB-ONP-AGS , SAP Mobile On Premise Agentry Server , Problem
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