Display of list of values in WebI prompt window based on Bex query happens in below given ways:
- Query Filter created from a Dimension (Characteristic):
This gives a LoV based on Characteristic found in BICS QueryView. (called a QueryViewCharacteristic) which means it will inherit any configuration done in BEx Query Designer if it overrides BW InfoObject settings.This LoV should be identical whether it's a Prompt from a Filter (LoV in Prompt Panel from Filter) or LoV is loaded in Query Panel.
- Prompt coming from a BEx Variable:
This is related to a VariableCharacteristic in BICS API, and not to a QueryView Characteristic.This is simply because you can have a Variable on a Characteristic not present in any axis of Query (Row, Column or Free), so it always refers to another kind of Characteristic.This Characteristic will inherit its configuration directly from BW settings, and no change in BEx Query should be leveraged.
SAP BusinessIntelligence 4.x
bics, webi, 4.x, 4.1, display, lov, prompt, key, text, bex, variable, lov,bex prompt, webi prompt , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Problem
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