- Adaptive Processing Server (at least hosting DSL Bridge Service) is required while creating or refreshing Web Intelligence report based on .UNX universe
- Without Adaptive Processing Server (APS) started:
- While opening or refreshing an existing report based on .UNX universe, error "The action cannot be performed" is thrown
- While creating a new report based on .UNX universe, error "An error occurred while calling ‘getSessionInfosEX’ API (Error: ERR_WIS_30270)" is thrown
- Those errors couldn't be observed while creating, opening or refreshing report on .UNV universe
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1
- Web Intelligence (WebI)
- BI Launch Pad
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1
webi, getSessionInfosEX, getSessionInfosEX 30270, "calling ‘getSessionInfosEX’ API", ERR_WIS_30270, WIS 30270, 30270, "The action cannot be performed", WIS 30650, 30650, "Error: INF", unx, .unx, aps, DSLBridge, DSL Bridge , KBA , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security, Crystal Reports in Launchpad , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Problem
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