**** MASTER NOTE *****
The purpose of this document is to provide information and workarounds with issues with Analysis for Edition for OLAP in regards to Error AOC00041 that happens after upgrade to BI 4.1 SP05.
The known scenarios are below:
- Error is populated after or when selecting a member prompts value
- After saving a Workspace and re-opening it, the layout will be lost and nothing is displayed
- The crosstab of the Workspace might not be displaying correctly and displaying incorrect data
- Moving objects from Columns to Rows or vice-versa does not update the crosstab
- A Hierarchy is displayed in a flat format instead of hierarchical
- The content of the column or row is not correct
- Moving an object from columns to rows cause an error A0C00041 with a different details description based on the workflow
- Replacing an object in the rows or columns is not reflected in the data of the crosstab, only in the axis headers
- Running Analysis workspaces get one of the below errors when modifying Mandatory or Required Prompts from SAP BW queries.
- The main error message that will apears is below, however clicking on Show Details may have different information:
An error occurred in the MDAS service while processing a request from Analysis edition for OLAP. Try the operation again. If the problem persists, please contact your Administrator (A0C00041)
- Running an Analysis workspaces get one of the below error when modifying Mandatory Prompts from SAP BW queries.
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1 has been upgraded to Support Package 5
- SAP BW 7.X
Try the operation again, AOC00041,updating crosstab, prompts, variables, member selector, columns, rows, Failed to get representation occured: java.lang.IndexOutofBoundsException:Index:1, Size 1, AOLAP, A-OLAP, OLAP, Advanced Analysis for OLAP BI, 4.1, 41, BI4.1, BI41, workspace, work space, AOC00041, 00041, Invalid axis element information from back end, Failed to apply member selection to hierarchy, Invalid selection value: AttributeMember, Failed to get representation: RuntimeException occurred : Invalid axis tuple size: Provider Result set ROWS, Index: 4, Size: 4, Index: 372, Size: 372 , KBA , aoc00041 , failed to get representation occured , BI-RA-AWB , Analysis, edition for OLAP (Web) , How To
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