- In some installations, if DC Server uses SSL or you can't access with GUI tool, you can stop and start a DirectConnect service using isql.
- These commands are un-documented but are useful when you don't use the DC Manager or Sybase Central to configure the gateway (MFC or ECDA).
- ECDA (Enterprise COnnect Data Access) 15.7 and 15.0
- DC/MFC (DirectConnect for zOS, MFC, MainframeConnect) 15.0.1 and 15.0
Sybase Enterprise Connect Data Access 15.0 ; Sybase EnterpriseConnect Data Access 15.7 ; Sybase MainframeConnect 15.0
Direct Connect, Sybase Central, DC, MFC , KBA , BC-SYB-ECD , Enterprise Connect (ECDA) , BC-SYB-MFC , Mainframe Connect (MFC) , How To
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