- This error is in the category of App Governator error messages.
- There are multiple causes for the error message: Error HDB 14112: Error retrieving the Trusted Data Discovery governing data. Unexpected response status from server.
- Lumira Desktop
- Please see the following KBAs:
- 2114567 - Error HDB 14112: Error retrieving the Trusted Data Discovery governing data. Unexpected response status from server - When launching SAP Lumira with Desktop Governance
- 2191437 - Error retrieving the Trusted Data Discovery governing data. Unexpected response status from server. (HDB 14112)
HDB 14112 HDB14112 HDB_14112_base , KBA , BI-LUM-DIS , Lumira Desktop/Discovery , BI-LUM-SRV , SAP Lumira Server , BI-LUM-OD , SAP Lumira Cloud , Problem
SAP Lumira, desktop edition 1.0