- This error is seen in a web application that was migrated from EAServer 5.5 to EAServer 6.3.1 PL07. This error was not seen with EAServer 5.5.
Caused by: org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION: NO PERMISSION vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No
- This web application does not require authentication. The JSP pages can be accessed without issue. JSPs that do not access PowerBuilder (CORBA) components are accessed without issue. When trying to invoke a JSP with PowerBuilder (CORBA) component, the error is encountered. In the EAServer log, it is logged that authentication is denied for the user. Authentication for the user is expected to be denied, but access to these pages and components needs to be granted. How to I enable unauthenticated access to my CORBA components?
- SAP PowerBuilder 12.6
- Sybase EAServer 6.3.1
SAP PowerBuilder 12.5 ; SAP PowerBuilder 12.6 ; Sybase EAServer 6.3
EAS JSP jaguar PB PowerBuilder , KBA , BC-SYB-EAS , EAServer , How To
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