ABAP runtime error message 'PERFORM_CONFLICT_TYPE' is displayed if running report RPFIES_M347 for users that logged in Spanish to the system.
ABAP Programming Error, ABAP runtime error message, CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPE, GET_FIELDCATALOG,Spanish, ST22, Modelo 347, tc_rfidesm347_es, Spain, AEAT models, local regulation, localized solution, localization, country specific, ID-FI-ES, FIES_M347, language, Model 347, RPFIES_M347, Spain, Spanish Tax Authorities, AEAT models, local regulation, localized solution, localization, country specific
, KBA , XX-CSC-ES-FI , use FI-LOC-FI-ES , How To
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