- DMS Attachment does not download
- No public field userid found in java/lang/Object for user ID, and not in per-user mode: cannot determine user for data (DocumentLink issue)
- From the mobile device the following pop up was received: Request Already Submitted - A request to download this document has already been made to the server
2015/02/11 09:40:47.100: The root object is 'DocumentLink'
2015/02/11 09:40:47.100: Trying to read results by calling getReturnData()
2015/02/11 09:40:47.100: : 1 lines, 0 non-printing characters, 81 total characters getReturnData() method returned null, falling back to reading _returnData field
2015/02/11 09:40:47.100: Processing public field _returnData: Ljava/lang/Object;
2015/02/11 09:40:47.100: _returnData is a single object: 'Ljava/lang/Object;'
2015/02/11 09:40:47.100: Mapping public fields of Java Class 'java/lang/Object' to Agentry object 'DocumentLink'
2015/02/11 09:40:47.100: No public field userid found in java/lang/Object for user ID, and not in per-user mode: cannot determine user for data.
2015/02/11 09:40:47.100: Push 'DMSDocumentsPush': Retrieval steps 0 objects and/or notifications
2015/02/11 09:40:47.100: HTTP-XML Back End: commit transaction
2015/02/11 09:40:47.100: Push 'DMSDocumentsPush': Executing 0 Removal steps
2015/02/11 09:40:47.101: HTTP-XML Back End: begin transaction
2015/02/11 09:40:47.101: Push 'DMSDocumentsPush': Removal steps returned 0 objects and/or notifications
2015/02/11 09:40:47.101: Push 'DMSDocumentsPush': Committing transactions for Retrieval and Removal steps
2015/02/11 09:40:47.101: HTTP-XML Back End: commit transaction
2015/02/11 09:40:47.101: Push 'DMSDocumentsPush': No objects retreived; skipping read steps
2015/02/11 09:40:47.101: Push 'DMSDocumentsPush': there is no data to send
2015/02/11 09:40:47.101: Push 'DMSDocumentsPush': Complete
SAP Work Manager 6.2.0
SAP_Work_Manager, "SAP Work Manager", "Attached Document" , KBA , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , Problem
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