A report with saved data and a years worth of data has Crystal Report Parameters which can filter on Monthly values.
When viewing in a Java WEB app and selecting the Parameter Panel, changing the value to another month causes an error indicating it cannot connect to the database.
- Works in CR Designer and a Windows .NET Desktop application
- Works in a ASP.NET WEB app using IIS
- Crystal Reports Server Embedded ( OEM ) SP 9
Reproducing the Issue
- Open a report with a design described in the symptoms.
- Change the Month to January
- Hit the green arrow above it to apply changes. This will render the data from January.
- Publish the same report to Crystal RAS and follow the same steps in the CrystalViewer.
- Once you hit apply changes it will attempt to call back to the database and throw the error
This issue has been reported to development and submitted for a fix.
CRSE, Parameters, Saved Data, database error, CRSDK00000000, CRWEB00000119 , KBA , BI-DEV-JAV , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - Java , Problem
SAP Crystal Reports Server 2011, OEM edition