The user accesses the Contract Overview and notices issues with the display of fields Smart Number and Contract Name. Find below the combination of issues that may be happening:
- Switch CIF_702_SMART_NUMBER is active and Contract Transaction Type is not maintained in Exclude Transaction Type from Smart Numbers:
- Contrat Name is being displayed;
- Smart Number is hidden;
- Switch CIF_702_SMART_NUMBER is active and Contract Transaction Type is maintained in Exclude Transaction Type from Smart Numbers:
- Contrat Name is hidden;
- Smart Number is being displayed;
- Switch CIF_702_SMART_NUMBER is not active:
- Contrat Name is hidden;
- Smart Number is being displayed;
- SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) 7.02 and higher
- SAP enhancement package for SAP Supplier Relationship Management
- PPS switch active
video, smart number, contract name, description, ps_external_ctr, switch, pps, psm, metadata, CIF_702_SMART_NUMBER, Transaction Type, Exclude Transaction Type from Smart Numbers, customizing, 2044237 - How to check Metadata Customizing in SRM , KBA , gscbrazil_video , gscbrazil , vĂdeo , SRM-EBP-CON , Contract Management , PSM-GPR-CON , PPS Functions in Contract , Problem
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