Due to any requirement from SAP Support, you need to test the P4/P4S port.
For a similar document to check all live ports, go through: SAP KBA 1925352 - Check P4 port/access points being used by a live SAP JAVA server
SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java
client, server, communication, initialcontext, telnet, connect, java.naming,,access point for the protocol is available,Cannot establish connection with any of the available profiles,No alive connection,Check state of the server,Could not establish connection to AS Java,bindhost,ICM,disconnected from ICM,.rmi_p4.P4ObjectBrokerClientImpl.getException , KBA , kde , BC-JAS-COR-RMT , RMI, P4, CORBA, IIOP , BC-JAS-ADM-MON , Monitoring , How To
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