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2136728 - SAP IQ 15.2 server aborts on select query


IQ server aborted with stacktrace below on a select count query:

Line 11206: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016
Line 11207: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 **************************************************
Line 11208: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 ***   Sybase IQ Abort:
Line 11209: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 ***      From:  st_server.cxx:1409
Line 11210: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 ***      PID: 32380
Line 11211: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 ***      Message: caught signal 11, program abort
Line 11212: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 ***      Thread: 419019072  (TID: 103)
Line 11213: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 **************************************************
Line 11215: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016     **  Error from IQ connection:  SA connHandle: 2  SA connID: 29  IQ connID: 0000000016  User: xxx
Line 11215: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016     **  Error from IQ connection:  SA connHandle: 2  SA connID: 29  IQ connID: 0000000016  User: xxx
Line 11216: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016     **  Time of error:  2015-02-11 17:58:08
Line 11217: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016     **  IQ Version:  Sybase IQ/15.2.0/101123/P/ESD 2
Line 11218: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016     **  OS info:  IQ built on: Enterprise Linux64 - x86_64 - 2.6.9-67.0.4.ELsmp,  Executed on: Linux/DCSLOPNIDB04/2.6.18-238.5.1.el5/#1 SMP Mon Feb 21 05:52:39 EST 2011/x86_64
Line 11219: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016     **  Command status when error occured:  CURSOR ACTIVE
Line 11220: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016     **  Command text:
Line 11221: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016            AND (
Line 11222: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 UNT
Line 11226: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016  Avg. Wait Time: 0 msec. ,   Avg. Insert Time: 0 msec.,  Avg. Sort Time: 0 msec.,   #Bitvec partitions: 0,   #Shadows: 0,   #Threads:
Line 11227: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016  InsertsComplete Time: 0 msec. ,   Avg Release Resource Time:0 msec.,   Max Release Resource Time:0 msec.,  Total Complete Time : 0msec.
Line 11228: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 [20535]: Query Plan:
Line 11229: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 [20535]: 0    #31:  Root
Line 11228: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 [20535]: Query Plan:
               Line 12055: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 /usr/local/sybase15_2/IQ-15_2/bin64/../lib64/ [0x2b031cead24e]
Line 12057: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 /lib64/ [0x31a940eca0]
Line 12059: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 /lib64/ [0x31a887b395]
Line 12061: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 /usr/local/sybase15_2/IQ-15_2/bin64/../lib64/ [0x2b031cdd2f2a]
Line 12063: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 /usr/local/sybase15_2/IQ-15_2/bin64/../lib64/ [0x2b031cdd26d4]
Line 12065: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 /usr/local/sybase15_2/IQ-15_2/bin64/../lib64/ [0x2b031cdd3bcd]
Line 12067: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 /usr/local/sybase15_2/IQ-15_2/bin64/../lib64/ [0x2b031cde4f62]
Line 12069: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 /usr/local/sybase15_2/IQ-15_2/bin64/../lib64/ [0x2b031c5f9862]
Line 12071: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 /usr/local/sybase15_2/IQ-15_2/bin64/../lib64/ [0x2b031c8197e1]
Line 12073: I. 02/11 17:58:08. 0000000016 /usr/local/sybase15_2/IQ-15_2/bin64/../lib64/ [0x2b031c7ddbc8]



SAP IQ 15.2


SAP Sybase IQ 15.2


SAP IQ, Sybase IQ, 15.2, s_packedRec, ConditionKeysFromHDVal, AcceptRec, s_packedRecDesc, s_phash, InsertKeyIfUnique,  dfe_ManyCachedValues, EvaluateEv, shadow parallelism , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed

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