The SYSAM server error log displays grace mode errors and intermittent connection timeouts are occurring.
The SYSAM error messages and warnings include the following:
0:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel SySAM: License search path: /sybase/licenses/SYBASE_1.lic:/sybase/licenses/SYBASE_2.lic:/sybase/ase_15.5/SYSAM- 2_0/licenses/SYBASE_ASE_DE.lic:/sybase/ase_15.5/SYSAM- 2_0/licenses/SYBASE_ASE_XE.lic: 00:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel SySAM: FLEXnet Licensing error:-16,287 00:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel SySAM: For further information, refer to the Sybase Software Asset Management website at
00:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel Error: 131274, Severity: 17, State: 1
00:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel SySAM: WARNING: ASE will shutdown on Wed 27 Aug 2014 03:07:15 PM EDT, unless a suitable ASE_CORE license is obtained before that date. 00:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel SySAM: License for 12 ASE_DIRS (2014.02210/permanent/0AFC 896C BA59 8B0F) will expire Wed 27 Aug 2014 03:07:15 PM EDT.
00:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel SySAM: Failed to obtain license(s) for ASE_DIRS feature from License Server localhost.
00:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel SySAM: Licenses exist for ASE, but a license containing the configured (PE=EE;AS=A) attributes could not be obtained. Verify that ASE is configured to use the correct type of license, and either reconfigure; or generate and deploy the desired license from the Sybase Product Download Center.
00:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel SySAM: Cannot read data from license server system.
00:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel SySAM: The license server system appears to be running, but is not responding. If this persists, notify the System Administrator.
00:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel SySAM: (The license server manager (lmgrd) and vendor daemon processes
00:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel SySAM: should be terminated and restarted.) 00:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel SySAM: License feature name: ASE_DIRS 00:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel SySAM: License search path: /sybase/licenses/SYBASE_1.lic:/sybase/licenses/SYBASE_1.lic:/sybase/ase_15.5/SYSAM- 2_0/licenses/SYBASE_ASE_DE.lic:/pt-dx001/sybase/ase_15.5/SYSAM- 2_0/licenses/SYBASE_ASE_XE.lic
0:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel SySAM: FLEXnet Licensing error:-16,287
00:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel SySAM: For further information, refer to the Sybase Software Asset Management website at
00:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel Error: 131275, Severity: 17, State: 1
00:00:00000:00017:2014/07/28 15:10:27.65 kernel SySAM: WARNING: ASE functionality that requires the ASE_DIRS license will be disabled on Wed 27 Aug 2014 03:07:15 PM EDT, unless a suitable ASE_DIRS license is obtained before that date.
Any version of ASE.
KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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