The Introscope Enterprise Manager generates a set of metrics after a cycle of 15 seconds which describe the current state of the EM. These metrics are registered in the perflog file and can be used to analyze the overall performance of the EM as well as to identify and prevent issues.
The Harvest Duration is one of these metrics and it shows the time in milliseconds spent harvesting data during the 15 seconds cycle. This metric is indicates whether the Enterprise Manager is keeping up with the current workload. When a harvest cycle exceeds the amount of time expected, it is unable to complete before the beginning of the next harvest cycle. The monitoring data the Enterprise Manager receives during the two time slices will then be combined and a message will appear in the Enterprise Manager log at the Warning level. In the Workstation/Webview, combined time slices cause gaps in metric graphs and data will be missing.
An optimal Harvest Duration metric value is less than 3500 ms [3.5 seconds].
Any value higher than 7500 ms [7.5 seconds] indicates that the Enterprise Manager has insufficient CPU capacity for the metric load.
- SAP Solution Manager
- SAP enhancement package for SAP Solution Manager
Introscope Enterprise Manager , MOM , Manager of Managers , Harvest Duration , Smartstor Duration , Bad Performance , Poor Performance Diagnostics , Wily , KBA , XX-PART-WILY , Introscope by CA Technologies , Problem
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