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2138334 - Bad perf. moving objts using keyboard directional keys or a mouse - SAP PD


  • After importing a BPMN2 file, PowerDesigner reacts very slowly when moving symbols on swimlanes in Business Process diagram using the arrow keys.
  • Performance is a lot better when using the mouse or when objects are not attached to a lane, or when the model was created from scratch (File > New Model).
    In that case, it moves the objects right away.
  • Depending on model size and complexity, it may take up to few seconds or you have to press several times the arrow key to move an object to the left or right.
  • A Physical Data Model (PDM) has a well-developed diagram that includes 150+ tables, 200+ references and several symbols have synonyms and is spread across 112 pages.  If you select a table and drag it to a new location, there is a noticeable delay in moving the table symbol.



  • SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.5 
  • SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.6 


SAP PowerDesigner 16.5 ; SAP PowerDesigner 16.6 ; Sybase PowerAMC 16.5


slow, move, arrow, lane, swimlane, link, relationship, cdm, ldm, CR780455, 780455, CR#780455 , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , Bug Filed

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