- Writer node in an SAP IQ multiplex has terminated abruptly leaving table locks in the Coordinator node
- Transactions in the coordinator requesting update access to the locked table start failing with sqlcode -210 st_sacbexception exceptions:
sqlcode -210
string_id 2169
_sqlstate 67792968
odbc30state 67108865
sybcode 8405
severity 21
odbc20state 67108865
Exception Thrown from dblib/db_catalog.cxx:2930, Err# 0, tid 13 origtid 13
O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 5122 (st_sacbexception); SQLCode: 0, SQLState: '00000', Severity: 10
- After a restart of the writer node transactions requiring update access to the locked table start failing with GThrow sqlcode -210 inc_CommandHandlerException errors:
GThrow sqlcode : -210
Exception Thrown from dblib/db_catalog.cxx:877, Err# 5, tid 11 origtid 11
O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 12291 (inc_CommandHandlerException); SQLCode: -210, SQLState: '42W18', Severity: 21
User 'another user' has the row in '<table_name>' locked
- SAP IQ 16 SP04.x and above
- multiplex environments
SAP IQ 16.0
SA lock, hang, stuck, abort, Sybase, , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To
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