The field to enter the Credit Control Area in FI posting transactions is greyed for the relevant customer line items.
Defaulted Credit Control Area can´t be changed at FI transactions, FB01, F-22, FB70, F-27, FB75, SPRO, Additional account assignments, T001-KKBER, BSEG-KKBER, V_001_X-XKKBI, T001CM-KKBER, T014-KKBER, The field to enter the Credit Control Area in FI posting transactions is greyed for the relevant customer line items.
customer invoice, credit memo,The Field for Account Assignment "Credit Control Area" is greyed, IMG step "Assign company code to credit control area", overwrite defaulted, Customizing flag "Indicator: Can credit control area be overwritten?" not selected, changing defaulted Credit Control Area, FB02, 2140984, F4746 at FI transactions , KBA , FI-AR-AR-A , Posting/Clearing/Special General Ledger , FI-AR-CR , Credit Management , Problem
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