I have created a label (Dimensions: 4 X 3 [in]) in Crystal Reports and printed to a Zebra Printer (Printer: ZDesigner ZM400 300dpi ZPL), however the label does not appear in the format for which I have selected. I have tested several different options, none of which were successful.
- Crystal Reports 2008
- Crystal Reports 2011
- Crystal Reports 2013
- Zebrra Label printer and custom paper size
Reproducing the Issue
Create a custom paper size in the Zebra Printer Properties
Give it a unique name for Example: My 4 x 3 and define the width as 4 inches and height as 3 inches
Save the addition
When you define a custom paper size and the default width is wider than the height it is conisdered Landscape orientation by Crystal Reports
Therefore when you create the report and set it to your newly defined custom paper size Crystal see's the width is more than the height so DO NOT set the paper orientation to Landscape in CR Designer.
Your printer will orientate the paper accordingly.
Crystal Reports, Zebra, landscape, orientation , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , How To