- ASE reports Timeslice -501 in the error log:
kernel timeslice -501, current process infected
kernel timeslice error: spid 1471 exhausted its 'time slice' of 100 milliseconds and additional 'cpu grace time' of 500 ticks (50000 milliseconds). It has been marked for termination.
kernel ************************************
kernel SQL causing error : <error>
kernel Current statement number: 2 Current line number: 11
- A stacktrace is also reported
kernel pc: 0x0000000101957608 VTABRemoteAccess::getNext()+0x64()
kernel pc: 0x000000010187f088 LeScanOp::_LeOpNext(ExeCtxt&)+0x484()
kernel pc: 0x00000001004d5c20 LeEvals::LeEvScalarRun()+0x110()
kernel pc: 0x00000001004c682c LeEmittOp::_LeOpOpen(ExeCtxt&)+0x2c()
kernel pc: 0x00000001004c698c LePlanOpen+0xe8()
Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.0.3 ESD 4.1
KBA , memory corruption , monlocks , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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