You want to hide particular actions only for some of the itemtypes which you have integrated with the UWL.
By using UWL iView property List of UWL Actions to Exclude, you can configure the desired action to be hidden. BUT when doing so, the action gets hidden for all work items which have that action. Whatever work item that has this action won’t show the action in case the action has been configured in this property.
Another alternative would be to use display_order_priority Action property. As mentioned in its documentation, if the keyword uwlExcludeFromPreviewDetail is used as value of this property, the action will not be displayed on the detail preview pages (for example, when the action is only intended for a menu item).
As mentioned by the documentation, still if you set the property with value uwlExcludeFromPreviewDetail the action will get displayed in the UWL context menu (the one which is shown by clicking in the workitem by using the secondary mouse button).
- SAP Universal Worklist (UWL)
- SAP Enterprise Portal
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java
contextmenu, right-click, rightclick, options, entries , KBA , EP-BC-UWL , Universal Worklist , Problem
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