- You are not able to transport requests
- The transport tools check reports errors in the CALLTP_<OS> RFC destination
- When executing a connection test of the CALLTP_<OS> RFC destination, the error "user <username> is not authorized to start TP" is reported
- SAP NetWeaver release independent.
SAP NetWeaver all versions
logon, connection error, error when opening an RFC connection, LOCATION: SAP-Gateway, COMPONENT, COUNTER, MODULE: gwr3cpic.c, RETURN CODE: 676, host, sapgw, sapgw00, release, SE01, SE09, SE10, queue, CM_SECURITY_NOT_VALID, GW_SECURITY_ERROR. , KBA , BC-CTS-TLS , Transport Tools , BC-CST-GW , Gateway/CPIC , Problem
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