Explanation of Originator (O) role usage in 360 Reviews and Performance Management forms.
- SAP SuccessFactors Perfomance Management
- SAP SuccessFactors 360 Multi Rater
The originator is the person who physically generates the new 360 or Performance form. The person who generates a new form automatically assumes the role of Originator.
The only responsibility of the Originator is to create a new form. The originator is often a Human Resources staff member, the employee, or the employee's manager, but it may also be a system-defined user if forms are automatically launched. Please note there can only be one originator.
As used in Form Template permissions
O = originator when relative to JDM or Performance
O = (For Employee Central Users) O can refer to Other Role - A role to be used in the workflow
OM = originator's manager
OP = originator parent (for use when aligning private goals)
OC = originator child (for use when aligning private goals)
Note: You cannot apply section permissions or field permissions for the O role.
As used in a Route Map
O = Originator
OM = Originator's manager
PM, O role, PMU-1254, success factors, PMGM, MTR , KBA , csg_q , LOD-SF-PM-ADM , Admin Center, RBP, Permissions and Settings , LOD-SF-MTR-ADM , Admin Center, RBP, Permissions and Settings , How To