The deployment aborts with an error indicating that the BPM compiler version does not match the respective BPM runtime version. There are different situations where this error or a similar one can appear:
[Case 1] Deploying with NWDS, not NWDI involved.
The error in the traces is similar to:
Caused by: Deployment has been aborted because the BPM compiler version does not match the respective BPM runtime version. Please compile the given archives with a newer version of the BPM compiler. For more details please refer to SAP Note 1758274.
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[Case 2] Deploying with NWDS, NWDI involved.
After an upgrade of the system it is not possible to deploy new processes anymore. The error in the traces is similar to the following one:
Caused by: Deployment has been aborted because the BPM compiler version does not match the respective BPM runtime version. Please compile the given archives with a newer version of the BPM compiler. For more details please refer to SAP Note 1758274.
[Case 3] Deployment during upgrade with SUM fails.
The error in the traces is similar to the previous ones:
The given process model was built with a NWDS or development track of a higher version than the target runtime. Revision number of built process model: 4.7. Revision number of process runtime: 4.3. Please refer to SAP note 1600131 for details.
SAP NetWeaver BPM
BPM, compiler, runtime, deployment, SUM, NWDS, NWDI, does not match, Deployment has been aborted , KBA , BC-BMT-BPM-CMP , Process Composer , Problem
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