The Extended Job Run Details for an ftp data import shows the system error:
ScheduledJobExecutionException: com.successfactors.jobscheduler.pgp.PGPCipherException: Caught IOException:
Error Code
ScheduledJobExecutionException: com.successfactors.jobscheduler.pgp.PGPCipherException: Caught IOException:
SuccessFactors HCM Suite
This occurs when the system is unable to correctly read a file with pgp encryption.
The client creates their file and encrypts it on their server then transmits the file to SuccessFactors via ftp (File Transfer Protocol). On the SuccessFactors server the file cannot be decrypted.
The problem is that the file was not sent with type “binary”. For many systems the default type is “ASCII” and if there is no override to binary the encrypted characters are not sent correctly.
To resolve the customer needs to modify their script or process to specifically request a binary transfer.
FTP, PGP, Cipher , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-JOBS , Scheduled Jobs , Problem