How to add a custom token for field found in Job Application, Job Requisition, Offer Letters and Candidate Profile.
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management
- Clients can now request, via Product Support, if they want a field to have an associated token.
- Custom tokens are used as placeholders in Offer Letters or Recruiting Emails to populate the data stored in a field from a related record. This is useful because you can use a token to reference field data. This includes the relevant information for each candidate when you generate the offer letter or email, without manually editing them each time to add the information.
- Tokens can be configured by Product Support. The correct configuration is to add custom tokens for any custom fields that require tokens in the Requisition XML template, the Application XML template, the Job Offer Detail XML template, or the Candidate Profile template. For the Job Requisition and Job Application you can add up to 150 custom tokens, for Job Offer and Candidate Profile up to 45 custom tokens.
- Adding a standard field to custom tokens feature within provisioning is not supported and will not work as expected in many scenarios and is not the recommended configuration.
- Depending on the token and where it is being used, it may also not work, as the Configure Custom Tokens functionality was primarily built for custom tokens. In this case, it's recommend clients create a system custom field to be, then, properly used as a custom token.
See Also
KB article 2436541 - How to create Custom Tokens for Custom and Standard Fields - Recruiting Management
KB article 2877375 - Custom token in the Requisition Posted Email Trigger does not work
SF, success factors, RCM, e-mail
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions