- Registration Code are available to allow a customers to associate multiple authorization codes to each Site in the system
- When a user attempts to self-register into the application through a site, they will be prompted to enter a valid code associated to that site to be able to complete the self-registration process
- This article will describe how to configure and use Registration Code for sites self-registration
- SAP SuccessFactors Learning - All Supported Versions
Configure Registration Code:
- Login to Learning Admin application.
- Go to System Admin > Application Admin > Sites to add or edit one site.
- In Summary tab, change Registration Validation to Registration Code.
- In Registration Codes tab, enter one Code ID(i.e., 1234) and set its Max Usage, Start Date, Expiration Date.
=>Code ID has to be unique in this site. If trying to use duplicated code id, a validation error will be shown.
=>Start Date defaults to today and cannot be in the past.
=>Expiration date defaults to blank (no expiration) and cannot be earlier than the start date.
=>Max Usage is used to set a usage number limit to each code.
=> - Click Add button.
=>Now, Registration Code has been configured successfully.
=>Admin can delete code on demand. However, a registration code cannot be deleted if it has been used by a user to register.
Use Registration Code:
- Access the login URL of the site configured by Admin.
- Click here to register link.
- Enter any value for other field as your favorite but require Registration Code to be the value set by Admin(i.e., 1234).
- Click Submit button.
=>Self-registration is completed successfully.
See Also
learning, lms, sf, Registration Code, self-registration, self registration, site, external , KBA , lmsadminui , LOD-SF-LMS-EXT , Sites and External Users , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , How To
SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions