Not able to get exact search result in Send Notiifications Tool, even though there are users who have completed the item.
SAP SuccessFactors Learning
Reproducing the Issue
- Under the "Send Notifications" toolbar select the item for which you want to send notifications for
- Select the "Assignment Type" and the "Completion Status" and search for the users
- The users list might show up empty or has incomplete list
While sending ad hoc Emails using the Send Notifications Tool, you are not selecting the exact Assignment type and Completion Status.
You should use "No Type" filter for the Assignment type for the item if item doesn’t have any assignment type associated with it.
For example: Create an item with no Assignment Type and complete for certain users.
You will not be able to find for filter "Any Type" because it looks for any type OTHER THAN "No Type", i.e. a type has to be set.
Using "No Type" and "Any" Completion Status, you will get the users list who has completed the item.
Also please note that same apply to "Any" Completion status i.e. a completion status has to be set to get the result or else use No Completion Status.
Note: If the Item is directly moved to user Learning History (completed through Record Learning) without Assigning the item to user than that particular user will not show up under Send Notification User List, Since Send Notification is designed to show user list based on Assignment Type and Completion Status.
Send Notification Tool, Completion Status, Any type, No Type, Assignment type, ad hoc, notification , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-NOT , Notifications , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , How To