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2149253 - Mismatch in Org Unit and Reporting Line Unit for Employees After Migration


Basic Employee Data of Employee ABC was migrated where the Reporting Line Unit is maintained as XYZ (Organizational Assignment). Later, the Personnel Administration data was migrated where the Organizational Assignment is maintained as RST in Work Agreements tab.

Now, in the system

1. Open the Personnel File of the Employee, the Reporting Line Unit is displaying as XYZ which is correct.

2. Go to Organizational Structure, where the Employee ABC is listed under the Org Unit XYZ. But as per the Personnel Administration migration, customer is expecting this Employee to be under RST and it suppose to be the Cost Center.



SAP BUSINESS BYDESIGN 1708 ; SAP Business ByDesign 1711


KBA , SRD-HR-PAD , Personnel Administration , How To

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