SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2149942 - Performance issues when attempting to filter on a large number of entities in LMS Reports


  • When running a learning report, generally, we use Filter to search and then select a list of entity (User, Item, etc..) as Input of the report
  • If number of the entity to satisfy one search criteria is very large (i.e., more than 10000), it will cost a lot of time to add all of them into filter
  • If some new entity is added into the system, to run the report on all of them (i.e., all users in one domain), it is necessary to change the search criteria to involve the new entities for scheduled/saved reports
  • How to run a report on multiple entities easily and dynamically?



SAP SuccessFactors Learning Management System (LMS)


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions


SF SuccessFactors learn, learning, lms, report, multiple, entity, user, item, selection,  large number, search criteria, submit criteria, more than slow performance many filter rep rpt , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-REP , Reporting Data , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , Problem

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