SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2150506 - Boomi - Change ReadTimeOut settings for Local Atom


HTTP/Web Service Timeout: Time the connector will wait for a web service HTTP connection and response.

  1. You can change the HTTP/Web Service Timeout setting in Boomi within the connection as seen below.


     2. This value marked above is effective only when the Boomi Interface is running on a Cloud Atom (SF Hosted Could Atoms)


Reproducing the Issue

  1. We need a Boomi Interface with HTTP/Web Service Timeout parameter values as seen above.
  2. Run it on a Local Atom.
  3. In case the timeout is set to 2 minutes for the local atom in configuration file, the processes would fail / encounter an error of ReadTimeOut even though we see the value for HTTP/Web Service Timeout = 5 Minutes.
  4. Following is an example where we observe a ReadTimeOut after 2 minutes, even though the above setting is set to 5 minutes.


             Observe the timestamp - 2 minutes apart and it fails with ReadTimeOut exception.




In such a case, where the atom in use is a Local Atom, the cause for this error is the ReadTimeOut setting on the Atom level:

To confirm : Identify the timeout setting for the local atom

    1. Go to Atom Management


                b. Click on the Local Atom the process is deployed in, and click on the Download Atom Log button


                c. Make sure to check “Include config” before downloading


                d. This will download a file:
                e. Within this zip file, you will find a file : atom.vmoptions


                  d. From the above screenshot, observe that the timeout setting is 2 minutes

                           i. 120000 mentioned above is in milliseconds 
                           ii. 120000 ms = 2 minutes.


Increase the timeout setting on the Local Atom

  1. You can increase the timeout setting as per the requirement.
  2. This again needs to be changed in milliseconds.
  3. Eg : 5 minutes = 300000 milliseconds

Where to make these changes?
The atom.vmoptions file can be found within the following directory:



KBA , LOD-SF-INT-BOM , Standard SF to 3rd Party Boomi Content , How To


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