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2150561 - Targeted CR List for ASE 16.0 SP01 PL01


The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP01 PL01. Please be sure to read the Disclaimer below.

If the EBF/SP has been released, check the CR list and coverletter at the

Disclaimer: This document lists the targeted (not committed) release dates and the targeted fixed CR list for each release. Please be aware that the purpose of this posting is solely to provide you, our customers with estimated release dates and targeted CR lists. SAP does not commit to releasing on the specified dates or to including the CR fixes in the said release. While every effort will be made to meet the said targets, changes can occur at any time. It is also possible (although unlikely) that SAP may decide not to release an EBF/SP that was previously scheduled for release.


CR NumberDescription
773768 With statement cache enabled and database loaded from dump of same ASE version where the database contains table with predicated privileges, query on the table with predicated privilege may fail with 225 error.
774569 "set showplan" commands are ignored when they are in the middle of a batch
777239 The message "current process infected with signal 11" in the module 'com__exctnume_divby10' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'comnb_numtovarchar' and 'prDTYPE_TO_DTYPE' may be reported in the error log when the Rep Agent trace flag 9229 and the option 'stream replication' are enabled.
777610 After abnormal shutdown of job scheduler due to issues like inconsistency in Job Scheduler work tables, failing to execute jobs, js stop functioning due to resource issue or disconnecting with jsagent, the job scheduler does not restart automatically after "max js restart attempts".
777693 Under a rare situation, an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) stacktrace in the function s_readproc() with s_recompile() and tdsrecv__dynexec_xoltp() may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog.
777720 When an ASE installation that was originally created by version 15.0.3 is upgraded to version 15.7, the newer version ASE may print a message in the error log that the installation is configured to require upgrade permission, and then shut down. If this occurs, booting the new version will continue to fail unless the option "--upgrade-ok" is given on the ASE command line so that upgrade may occur.
777822 Any exception (e.g. SIGSEGV) in the ctlib async thread brings down the server.
777861 Attempt to read past EOM reported by client when doing batch insert with triggers on the target table and a row error occurs.
778140 When Job scheduler stored procedure "sp_sjobcontrol" is executing with option "stop_js_wait", the options "stop_js" or "terminate" the running job cannot be issued.
778227 set proxy inside a regular stored procedure clears the session user's roles after execution of the procedure.
778359 A 2601 error, "Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object ' < objname > ' with unique index ' < indname > '", may be erroneously hit while updating a Data Only Lock table that is partitioned with a unique index. Additionally a 9275 error, "RepAgent(#): Could not locate the before image for the INSERT log record at ( < pageid, row_num > ).", may be reported if the table is replicated.
778706 If the user that starts backup server has allocated a shared memory segment with ID 0, the backup server will mistakenly delete it after the execution of a DUMP command.
778889 The Rep Agent is now capable to shut down itself after one of its threads has hit a segmentation violation error while the option 'stream replication' is enabled.
779109 ASE server runs into I/O error during failover in HA environment if it contains encrypted databases.
779225 Encrypted database can not be unmounted on HPIA64, AIX64 and Sparc64 platforms.
779398 A 9242 error, "RepAgent( < dbid > ): Underflow or overflow of state stack occurred.", may be reported when the option 'stream replication' is enabled while the Rep Agent process tries to open a stream towards Replication Server. This error will prevent the Rep Agent from being stopped and will require an Adaptive Server reboot to correct the issue.
779498 If the join_skew_threshold is active then there could be incorrect estimates for semi-join costing. In particular, this could be a problem for bloom filter costing which includes semi-join costing. the join_skew_threshold feature is not documented at this point.
779750 KBA2040888. Error 12034 occurs due to global fragment pool too small when read MDA tables such as monCachedObjects, monStatementCache
779792 The command REORG DEFRAG ... WITH TIME=hh:mm doesn't take into account the time spent on waiting for synchronization with isolation level 0, read uncommitted, scanners while checking for the duration this command can continue to be active.
779794 The informational message "The specified partitions, or all the partitions, of table ' < > ' are already marked as fully defragmented. Retry your command without the ' < > ' option to restart the defragmentation." may be reported during the execution of REORG DEFRAG with the option 'resume' enabled when it finds that the partition/table is marked fully defragmented. The expected behavior is to have the SAP ASE resume the defragmentation from the start of the object instead of prompting a re-issue of the command.
779845 In rare circumstances the Rep Agent process may not replicate some data mistakenly, when the option 'stream replication' is enabled and while it re-connects to the Replication Server following a retrievable error.
779877 In rare circumstances the performance of the undo recovery pass during boot recovery may be sub-optimal when open long running transactions need to be rolled back, and SAP ASE had been terminated with an impolite shutdown command or had crashed.
780041 The stored procedure "sp_crtbwoptgoal" has been added to create the user-defined optgoal "sap_olap". This optgoal setting has proven to be particularly useful in various SAP (parallel) BW installations. The procedure is run at the finish of installmaster so that the "sap_olap" will be automatically defined for all installations.
780097 When the fact table hint abstract plan directive "(USE FACT_TABLE < table name > )" is used with queries involving UNION clauses from a derived table (or view) the table could not be considered as the central fact table in a star or snowflake query and therefore the hint is ignored.
780207 A segmentation violation error may be hit by the SAP ASE backup server process during the execution of a DUMP or LOAD database command causing it to shut down, if the machine has configured a network interface with no addresses. In the backup server errorlog a stack trace with the modules 'ng_islocalif', 'ng__cmpifaddr' and 'get_in_addr' may be reported.
780308 When a complex query is submitted using the "enabled deferred parallel" mode, ASE will choose a more conservative serial plan over a parallel plan without the "deferred parallel" mode. This can result in significant loss in performance.
780453 In some cases the columns NumStreamSwSynctoAsync and NumStreamSwAsynctoSync in master..monRepCoordinator are not reflecting the correct number of mode switches, while the option 'stream replication' is enabled.
780508 Queries that have more than 32 "ordering columns" may return results in the wrong order when run using server-side cursors. The problem is specific to server-side cursors. Note that the number "ordering columns" are the sum of the order-by, distinct, and group-by columns.
780565 The following DBISQL/ASE-specific option defaults have been changed to be more suitable for ASE servers, especially those with large number of objects: - Results / Disable editing (new default= true) - Commands / Commit after every statement (new default= false) - Commands / Commit on exit or disconnect (new default= false) - Query Editor / Get list of tables on startup (new default= false)
780810 KBA 2144033 - Framework collectors in DBACockpit DCF fail with Error 605 while running REORG DEFRAG < table > WITH SKIP_COMPACT_EXTENTS on multiple saptools' staging tables concurrently
780907 When 'FIPS login password encryption' is configured, CREATE ENCRYPTION KEY gets a segmentation violation with a stack trace, and the server fails to start due to SSL initialization failures if SSL is enabled, producing errorlog messages: "... SSL profile initialization failed. SSL is not available." followed by "... Encryption provider initialization failed on engine 0."
780962 sp_who may report AWAITING CMD for currently executing commands. This may happen when executing optimized access for dynamic sql queries.
781408 When executing a batch insert on a table with a trigger a table, the trigger may only fire once after the last insert even though each row qualified.
781493 A timeslice error in the module 'rdfrag__display_progress' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'reorg__ptn_defrag' and 'reorg_main' may be reported in the error log when REORG DEFRAG is executed with the option 'skip_compact_extents' enabled.
781825 When "enable streamlined parallel" is set to 1, parallel query plans may get generated resulting in serious performance issues.
781859 In some circumstances, Adaptive Server may report a stacktrace which includes modules GtsState::GtsGetGt() and SeHyPsStarQueryRule::_RuleSnowFlakeMatch(), when a fact_table hint is given in the input abstract plan.



  • AIX 64bit
  • HP-UX on IA64 64bit
  • Linux on Power 64bit
  • Linux on x86 64 64bit
  • Solaris on Sparc 64bit
  • Solaris on x86 64 64bit
  • Windows on x64 64bit


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


CR, CR List, ASE 16.0 SP01 PL01, ASE SP01 PL01, SP01 PL01, SP01 PL 01, Adaptive Server Enterprise, Fix, Patch, Error, Bug, GA SP01 PL01 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BC-SYB-ASE-CE , ASE Cluster Edition (Standalone) , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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