English Version
You are getting a negative amount in wage type /401 - Employment tax deduction or you are getting the error "Negative deductions not allowed" in report RPC190E0.
Spanish Version
Se está calculanado un importe negativo en el concepto de nómina /401 - Retención a cta. IRPF negativo o se obtiene el error "No se permiten retenciones negativas" en el programa RPC190E0.
- Human Capital Management (HCM)
- SAP R/3
- SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7
- SAP ERP Core Component
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
PC00_M04_CALC , PC00_M04_C190 , RPC190E0 , RPCALCE0 , IBOAN , IT0090
/106 Base imponible
/107 Base retrib. en especie
/108 Base retrib. en esp. NR
/106 Tax basis
/107 Imputed payment basis
/108 Imputed payment basis NR
/401 Retención a cta. IRPF
/402 Ingreso a cuenta IRPF
/403 Ingreso a cuenta IRPF NR
/401 Employment tax deduction
/402 Employment tax return
/403 Employt tax payment NR , KBA , PY-ES , Spain , PA-PA-ES , Spain , How To
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