You are using Banking Services 8.0 (or higher) and would like to use Card Product. You have configured card product and trying to create a new card or apply security settings for existing cards but face the following problems:
- Report BCA_CARD_SEC2 (Apply Security Settings for Existing Cards) is not processing any of the due data.
- In transaction BCA_CN_CARD_01 you receive the error: "Current key version does not exist" (Message no. SSFV002).
- In transaction BCA_CARD_SEC_ADMIN you receive the error: "No key versions yet for FSCARD" (Message no. CCSEC031).
- No current key version found in table SSFVKEYDEF
SAP Banking: Banking Services SAP 8.0 and higher
banking services from SAP 8.0 ; banking services from SAP 9.0
SSFV 002, CCSEC 031, FSAPPL 400, FSAPPL 500, SSF Application FSCARD, Set Global Hash Indicator BCA_CARD_SEC1, Apply Security Settings for Existing Cards BCA_CARD_SEC2 , KBA , FS-AM-CM-CA , Card , Problem
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