Upon approving requests in GRC Access Control, approvers get the error message:
"MSMP runtime instance is locked by user WF-BATCH(SAP_WFRT in newer release)"
and MSMP Worflow stops working.
- SAP GRC Access Control 10.x/12.0
- Access Request Administration
- MSMP Workflow
System refresh, GRC 10.0, GRC 10.1, upgrade, GRCFND_A, GRCPINW, Workflow not getting triggered, Audit logs incomplete information, Access request is not working correctly,
NWBC, Access Management, configure RFC destination, Event Linkage, Assign Agents, Task Specific Customizing, AC 10.0, Access Request Administration, Path ID, Stage Status, Event Linking, WORKFLOW_LOCAL_xxx, SAP Business Workflow, se16, WORKFLOW_LOCAL_, RFCDES, wf-batch, new password, locked again, with password lock, SM12 , KBA , GRC-SAC-ARQ , Access Request , GRC-SAC-WF , Workflow , How To
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