During initial starting of LMS, the following Release Handler Adapter (adapt_rh) process error was encountered:
- [FATAL] java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to read the field 'licCheckout' of a null object loaded from local variable 'theAdaptor'
- org.openadaptor.adaptor.RunAdaptor.main(
On ESP, stdstreams.log:
- 2015/04/03 15:16:05 Info (131228): Using licenses from: /sldlfciec01/product/ESP/SYSAM-2_0/licenses/SYBASE.lic
- 2015/04/03 15:16:05 Info (131252): Checked out license for 2 ESP_CORE (2015.12310/permanent/1487 A044 E15A 70E2). SSL accept error -1, 1 on fd 11, sys errno 0 47408456214848:error:140760FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol:s23_srvr.c:578:
- 2015/04/03 16:41:38 Info (131257): Checked in license for 2 ESP_CORE (2015.12310/permanent/1487 A044 E15A 70E2). SAP Event Stream Processor Engine PL02/linux/x86_64/64-bit/OPT/Mon Oct 27 12:47:06 PDT 2014
- LMS / Cash Flow Management 6.2
- SAP Event Stream Processor Engine PL02
- Linux (x86_64/64-bit/OPT/)
SAP Event Stream Processor 5.1 ; SAP Liquidity Management for Banking 6.2
KBA , FS-LMS , Liquidity Management Suite , Bug Filed
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