- This KBA explains how to host files on a SuccessFactors server in order to generate customized links to be used in the system.
- What are the requirements and information needed to provide to Cloud Support for file hosting requests?
- How can I request a file to be hosted on the instance?
- Which is the proper process to request to host a file in SuccessFactors?
- Is there a limit on how many files can be hosted per request?
- What is the maximum size of a file to be hosted in SuccessFactors?
- How can I request for hosted file deletion?
SAP SuccessFactors HCM
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions
SF, success factors, Bix Z, FTP, Document Hosting, Performance Manager Links, Host Image, Upload Image, file, filehosting,convert image into URL,jenkins, file hosting in jenkings
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