Some subfunctions can be used without the need to activate a Business Function for RE-FX.
For example, you have implemented SAP note 1716812 or running a support package level that includes this SAP Note and want to activate subfunction IS01 to switch to the new "Itemization for Settlement Units" report that is released with this SAP Note.
No Business functions for RE-FX (RE_GEN_CI*) are activated yet.
The customizing activity to maintain the subfunction is not visible in the IMG for Flexible Real Estate
EA-APPL | 602 - 616 |
EA-FIN | 617 and higher |
SAP_FIN | 618 and higher |
S4CORE | 100 and higher |
REEXPOSTCC IS01 Itemization subfunction RE_GEN_CI_1 Einzelnachweis Teilfunktion , KBA , RE-FX-SC , Service Charge Settlement , RE-FX-IS , Information System , How To
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