Upgrade using Software Update Manager (SUM), stops in phase MAIN_SWITCH/SUBMOD_SWITCH_OLDREL/SUBMOD_CRR_LAST_CHTRANS/RUN_CRR_LAST with the following error in logs,
Directory : <DIR_PUT>/log/RSCRRLST.ELG:
A4 ESUPG 002 " "
A4 ESUPG 001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
A4 ESCRR_ISU 005 Action "LAST" started at "10:15:17"("13.01.2015")
A4 ESCRR_ISU 010 Number of used dialog processes set to "3"
A4 ESCRR_ISU 010 Number of used dialog processes set to "10"
A2EESCRR 097 Transition "LAST_TRANSFER" can not be started because transition "START_TRANSFER" failed
A2EESCRR 097 Transition "LAST_TRANSFER" can not be started because transition "START_TRANSFER" failed
Upgrade ABAP system using Near Zero Downtime option in SUM
nZDM, ISU, CRR, update, EHPI, release upgrade, Change Recording , KBA , BC-UPG-DTM-TLA , Downtime Minimization for ABAP , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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