When migrating IQ and SDK, ESQLC is compiled without error.
However Below Error is returned in Execution phase.
[Legacy] : IQ126/OCS-12_5 =>[To Be] : IQ15.4 ESD5.x /OCS-15_7(SDK15.4 ESD4)
[Error] cs_objects: cslib user api layer: external error: An illegal value of -1610034864 was given for parameter objname->lnlen.
- SAP IQ 15.4
- SAP Sybase Software Developers Kit (SDK) 15.7
- Open Client Client-Library
SAP Sybase IQ 15.4 ; Sybase SDK 15.7 ; Sybase Software Developer Kit 15.7
compile, execution, ocs, cs_version, -DCS_NO_LARGE_IDENTIFIERS, CS_NO_LARGE_IDENTIFIERS, CS_VERSION_125, cpre, -VCS_VERSION_125, cs_objects , KBA , BC-SYB-SDK , SDK , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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