You have amended the acquisition cost of Fixed Asset XYZ (XYZ represents the fixed asset ID/name) with a goods and service receipt.
You decide to cancel the goods and service receipt.
When you now try to post a further acquisition posting for this fixed asset an error message appears: 'Asset XYZ val.view y: Posting leads to different acquisition cost amount.'
Or, if you do not create another acquisition, you might just notice in the Fixed Asset Values tab that the goods receipt cancelation is only reflected in the book valuation view but not in the non-book (asset-internal) valuation views.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
To create a new Acquisition posting (Example):
- In the Fixed Assets workcenter navigate to the Fixed Assets view.
- Find fixed asset XYZ, select it and press Manual Posting-Acquisition.
- In the new screen enter all the mandatory data and then press Simulate or Post.
- The error message appears: 'Asset XYZ val.view y: Posting leads to different acquisition cost amount.'
To check the Fixed Asset Book Value:
- In the Fixed Assets workcenter navigate to the Fixed Assets view
- Find Fixed Asset XYZ, select it and press Edit- Values.
- In the Values tab check the Book Values sub-tab: You notice that, after the goods receipt cancelation, the book value of the fixed asset is only reduced for the general ledger relevant valuation view (usually valuation view 1). The cancelation is not being reflected in the non-book (asset-internal) valuation views.
- To cross-check open the Journal sub-tab: Here you see that the goods receipt cancelation posting is only visible for the book relevant valuation view but not for the non-book valuation views.
This issue occurs when a fixed asset relevant goods receipt (or a supplier invoice) and its cancelation got stuck in accounting and are then being posted together, at the same time:
Meaning when, due to a certain error (e.g. accounting period is blocked for posting), it was not possible to generate a journal entry for these documents. Instead, they appear as unposted source documents in the Source Documents view of the General Ledger workcenter. After you fixed the error (here, after opening the accounting period) you select both documents, the original as well as its cancelation, and choose Action-Post Business Transaction.
However, as the original goods receipt was posted at the same time as its cancelation the system was not able to retrieve the subledger postings in order to reflect the posting in the non-book valuation views. To identify this situation you can check the creation time of the two journal entries (Created On field). If you can see the same date and time here then both documents have been posted together.
This issue has been corrected with SAP ByDesign version 1905.
In the current versions, 1811 and 1902 the issue is solved by reversing and reposting the cancellation posting:
- In the General Ledger workcenter navigate to the Closing Cockpit and here to the Source Documents sub-view.
- In the Show field select All Source Documents.
- Find the cancellation goods receipt and press Actions - View Business Transaction.
- In the next screen press Reverse and Repost.
This will trigger the subledger postings so that the cancelation will then also be reflected in the asset-internal (non-book) valuation views.
It is planned to improve this posting behaviour in one of the future SAP ByDesign system version.
In the meantime, to prevent this issue from happening, first post the original goods receipt and in a second, separate step, post the cancellation.
The same applies for fixed asset acquisition via supplier invoices.
Posting leads to different acquisition cost amount, fixed asset book value not updated after cancellation , KBA , fixed asset book value not updated , fixed asset acquisition cost , SRD-FIN-FA , Fixed Assets , How To