Query on monLock might cause a running processes to report a timeslice error.
kernel timeslice error: spid 1605 exhausted its 'time slice' of 100 milliseconds and additional 'cpu grace tim e' of 2000 ticks (200000 milliseconds). It has been marked for termination.
kernel **** end of signal context ****
kernel timeslice error: spid 1207 exhausted its 'time slice' of 100 milliseconds and additional 'cpu grace time' of 2000 ticks (200000 milliseconds). It has been marked for termination.
kernel timeslice error: spid 165 exhausted its 'time slice' of 100 milliseconds and additional 'cpu grace time' of 2000 ticks (200000 milliseconds). It has been marked for termination.
kernel **** end of signal context ****
kernel timeslice error: spid 606 exhausted its 'time slice' of 100 milliseconds and additional 'cpu grace time' of 2000 ticks (200000 milliseconds). It has been marked for termination.
kernel **** end of signal context ****
kernel This Adaptive Server process has had 17 major and 0 minor page faults since boot.
kernel **** end of signal context ****
kernel timeslice error: spid 1903 exhausted its 'time slice' of 100 milliseconds and additional 'cpu grace time' of 2000 ticks (200000 milliseconds). It has been marked for termination.
kernel timeslice error: spid 385 exhausted its 'time slice' of 100 milliseconds and additional 'cpu grace time' of 2000 ticks (200000 milliseconds). It has been marked for termination.
kernel timeslice error: spid 1041 exhausted its 'time slice' of 100 milliseconds and additional 'cpu grace time' of 2000 ticks (200000 milliseconds). It has been marked for termination.
kernel timeslice error: spid 1002 exhausted its 'time slice' of 100 milliseconds and additional 'cpu grace time' of 2000 ticks (200000 milliseconds). It has been marked for termination.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.0.3
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
monLock timeslice , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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