If a remove control command for an iOS device is sent while device is offline and after that if that device is not deleted from the Afaria, then Afaria logs ONS1043 and 1046 errors as shown below when outbound notification is sent. The Outbound notification deletes remove control command from the A_IPHONE_MDM_QUEUE table so now when that device connects to the server, it does not remove Configuration payload, Provisioning profiles as well as MDM enterprise applications.
ONS1043: Notifying UDID:3FB6FC13E56B19CB02E95374C875DE49E78BF02D - Fail-Unable to determine iOS Client notification method. stating fail-unable to determine
When Lock command is sent, Afaria server log reports below error.
ONS1046: Controlling device UDID:3FB6FC13E56B19CB02E95374C875DE49E78BF02D - Fail-Not under MDM control.
- SAP Afaria 7 Service Pack 5
- iOS devices
ONS1043, ons ons1043 ons1046 ONS1046 remove control , KBA , MOB-AFA , Afaria , Problem
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