- You have upgraded to a newer Enterprise Portal version and the roles and permissions previously maintained are now lost in KM documents folders and rooms however the groups and users which were previously assigned still remain.
- When you assign a role permission to the folder after the upgrades completion all functionality operates accordingly however the older preiously assigned roles and permissions are now lost.
- Inside the /root/ume/roles involve custom roles.
- EP Release Independent
- SAP NetWeaver
SAP NetWeaver all versions
file, KMC Content Management, docs, authorization, CM, Enterprise Portal, version, roles, permissions, KM documents, folders, rooms, assign, role, lost, /root, /ume. /roles, custom,
Security Zones, entries, collection, <i>/documents/documents</i>, manually, inherited , KBA , EP-KM-CM-SEC , Permission, Security, ACLs , EP-KM-CM , Content Management , ProblemAbout this page
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