When trying to stop / restart HANA through SAP HANA Studio, the following error appears:
'Stopping system '<SID>'..' has encountered a problem.
[<SID> <HOSTNAME> <INST> (USER)] Error while stopping
[<SID> <HOSTNAME> <INST> (USER)] Error while stopping system
[SOAP-ENV:Server] Invalid Credentials
This situation could also occur in the following situations:
- during a recovery since the recovery process will attempt to stop HANA.
- upgrading HANA using hdblcm
- trying to log into HANA Studio using the <sid>adm user
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SAP HANA, platform edition
HANA Studio, Host Agent, Stop HANA, recovery, SOAP-ENV:Server, Invalid Credentials , KBA , HAN-DB-BAC , SAP HANA Backup & Recovery , BC-CCM-HAG , Host Agent , Problem
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