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2166652 - Deactivation of inbound transformation coding, missing rules


Through performing changes on the target fields, concerned rules and routines of the transformation may be deactivated.This specific situation occurs up to SP 7.3 under the following conditions:

  • You have implemented SAP Note 1978972 Version 7 or lower or you have imported BW Support Packages SAP BW 7.31 SP12 and SAP BW 7.40 SP07


  • Specific transformations (see the description in SAP Note 1978972) were then not edited and activated.
  • A change in the templates of the transformations implicitly forced a regeneration of the transformation program. 

 Template changes are usually included in each BW Support Package. You implemented a different SAP Note for the component BW-WHM-DST-TRFN that included a template change (for example, SAP Note 1951174).

You might find related corrections in the following SAP note /Though different symptom, correction is applicable/ :
2016287 - Key figure rules missing in runtime program for inbound transformation of InfoCube-based SPO after implementation of SAP Note 1978972



SAP NetWeaver


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Business Warehouse, BW, rule, transformation, ABAP-code, deaktivate, missing routine, missing rule, rules get lost , KBA , BW-WHM-DST-TRF , Transformation , How To

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