Through performing changes on the target fields, concerned rules and routines of the transformation may be deactivated.This specific situation occurs up to SP 7.3 under the following conditions:
- You have implemented SAP Note 1978972 Version 7 or lower or you have imported BW Support Packages SAP BW 7.31 SP12 and SAP BW 7.40 SP07
- Specific transformations (see the description in SAP Note 1978972) were then not edited and activated.
- A change in the templates of the transformations implicitly forced a regeneration of the transformation program.
Template changes are usually included in each BW Support Package. You implemented a different SAP Note for the component BW-WHM-DST-TRFN that included a template change (for example, SAP Note 1951174).
You might find related corrections in the following SAP note /Though different symptom, correction is applicable/ :
2016287 - Key figure rules missing in runtime program for inbound transformation of InfoCube-based SPO after implementation of SAP Note 1978972
SAP NetWeaver
Business Warehouse, BW, rule, transformation, ABAP-code, deaktivate, missing routine, missing rule, rules get lost , KBA , BW-WHM-DST-TRF , Transformation , How To
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