- DS job server isn't releasing port when stopped
- Data Services job server stopped working and couldn't be started manually
- Error: "Socket Exception: ADDRINUSE at RWSocket::bind.(BODI-850046)" in server_event log
- Error: "Fatal Error Starting JobServer Job_server on Port ANY: 3500" in job service log
- Error: "Exception thrown when trying to communicate with Job Server: <JobServer_Name>. Read timed out" when executing Job on the job server
- SAP Data Services 4.x.
- Windows Job Server.
- Unix and Linux Job Server.
SAP Data Services 4.2 ; SAP Data Services 4.3
BODS , DS , jobserver , jb srvr , yellow status , can't start , won't stop , server event , joliver, shut down, socket exception, port, TIME_WAIT , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , EIM-DS-SVR , Administration/Server , How To
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